We believe that when church, family, and school work together harmoniously, a child's potential for growth is maximized.

Our Mission
To glorify God by helping students fulfill their potential in Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit in a nurturing Christ-centered environment.
Our Vision
Shaping Well-Rounded, High-Performing Champions for Christ!
Our Core Values
We do what’s right regardless of the situation.
We treat each other with respect and loving care.
We serve with a positive and joyful attitude.
We relentlessly strive to be our best.
Our Beliefs
We believe that a child has the greatest potential for growth when the church, family and school are working together in harmony. It is therefore important for the fundamental values of the family and school to coincide. Here are some of the school’s essential beliefs:
- We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and our ultimate authority.
- We believe in the Triune God (one God yet three distinct persons who are equally God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that the Son, Jesus Christ, is true God yet true man.
- We believe God created the universe in six days and created animals and humans in their distinctive kinds from the very beginning contrary to the theory of Darwinian evolution.
- We believe that all people come from Adam and Eve. Since we are all from the same family and bear God’s image, there is no room for hating or mistreating a person on the basis of his or her skin color or any other genetic trait.
- We believe that all mankind is sinful and in need of salvation.
- We believe that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and to rise again three days later so that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
- We believe that God defines marriage as the life-long covenant between one man and one woman, and that all forms of sexual activity outside of God’s definition of marriage are sin.
- We believe that life starts at conception, and that every human being is worthy of dignity, protection, and respect.
- We believe that God created two genders: male and female. We believe that God determines a person’s sex through biology (chromosomes, reproductive organs, etc.), and that any attempt to reverse God’s decision or deny one’s God-given gender is sin.
- We believe that we are all equally guilty of sin before God and that God’s forgiveness is for all people who repent of their sins and believe in Him.