OSNAS Curriculum
We become what we behold. A school's curriculum should therefore be saturated with truth, goodness and beauty.

– Why we do it – Art is the product of creative beauty. As people formed in the image of

– Why we do it – Even from a purely secular point of view, all people should study the Bible.

English and Literature
– Why We Do It – We study English and Literature so that we grow in our ability to communicate

– Why we do it – We study History to gain a heart of wisdom. Most have heard it said,

Latin / Foreign Language
– Why we do it – Learning a foreign language gives you a clearer picture of how your own language

– Why we do it – There is no shortage of information in our present day world. The internet and

– Why we do it – Every person is a math person, even if you don’t know it yet. There

Music & Choir
– Why we do it – Music and singing are powerful tools. They have the power to inspire, soothe and

Physical Education
– Why we do it – Physical training is a valuable component in a well-rounded education. Our bodies are temples

Public Speaking
– Why we do it – Many people have a fear of public speaking. The reason for this is undoubtedly

– Why we do it – Science is the study of the observable universe. Not all that God created is