
Students wear uniforms that display unity and dignity. 

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

  • Short sleeve or long sleeve polo shirt with OSNAS logo (required)
  • Fleece with OSNAS logo (optional)
  • Pants (for boys and girls)
  • Skort (for girls)
  • Navy tights (for girls)
  • Black or Brown Belt (required for boys in grades 5-12)


  • Short sleeve or long sleeve white dress shirt with OSNAS logo (required)
  • Regular necktie (boys in grades 7-12)
  • Pre-tied necktie (boys in grades K-6)
  • Girls cross tie (Available from Land’s End soon)
  • Same pants (or skort) as other days may be worn
  • V-neck Sweater with OSNAS logo for boys (optional)
  • Cardigan Sweater with OSNAS logo for girls (optional)
  • Blazer with OSNAS logo (optional)
  • Black or Brown Belt (required for boys in grades 5-12)


  • On Fridays, students have the option of wearing their school uniform or gym uniform.

Gym Uniform

  • Tee shirt with OSNAS logo (required)
  • Gym shorts and/or pants with OSNAS logo (required)
  • Hoodie with OSNAS logo (optional)

The uniform items can be purchased online at Land’s End.

Uniform Guidelines

  • The last Friday of each month is a special dress day in which students in grades 5-12 who wear “JESUS NEVER STOPS” shirts (available for purchase in the school office) are permitted to wear black or blue jeans without rips or holes. Students in grades K-4 may wear a “JESUS NEVER STOPS” shirt but must wear their regular gym shorts or pants to participate in gym class.
  • Unless otherwise noted, for field trips, students may wear Jesus Never Stops shirts and black or blue jeans without rips or holes. They may also wear their gym uniform or regular uniform. 
  • Although not required, girls may purchase navy socks and tights on the Land’s End link. Navy is the only permitted color for high socks and tights. 
  • Students who are unable to tie their shoes must wear shoes that do not have laces (untied shoes are unsanitary, expend time and cause falls).
  • Any visible undershirts must be solid white or black.
  • White dress shirts and polos must be tucked in.
  • Fleeces are not to be worn on Wednesdays.
  • Skorts and shorts must arrive at the knee. 
  • Students in grades K-4 can wear their gym uniform to school on days that they have P.E. class. All other grades must change into their gym uniform.
  • Students are free to wear the shoes and socks of their choice as long as they are not distracting.

All decisions regarding the appropriateness of dress and grooming remain at the discretion of the school administration.